Do you think it’s hard to look for suitable recipe in a blog that has hundreds of recipes posted? Is it tough to find out the category in which recipe is posted?Yes, quite a task. I can understand. So today it’s my pleasure to give a collection of millet recipes in one single post with all the pictures and links.
Millets are tiny grains that have been popular in recent years for the health benefit they afford. Basically these cereals are said to be good for people with diabetes. It helps in maintaining good blood glucose readings which is why millet recipes are staple food in most households.
Cooking millet isn’t a difficult job. It can turned in to idli, dosa, pakoda, upma and what not? The food which can be cooked using rice can also be cooked using millets. So go through the list of 14 recipes given below and choose suitable one for you.
Click on each image to read the corresponding recipe.