Very popular recipe from the district of Karnataka i.e Davanagere is right here in front of you. => Benne dosa. Saturated with generous butter and cooked to perfect golden brown color, benne dosa is just incredible. I loved the aroma of butter melting over the dosa which cooked the dosa to perfect crispy crisp. As benne dosa was cooking on the griddle, my hunger pangs began to roar for the food. Trust me.
Davanagere special benne dosa isn’t a paper thin dosa like masala dosa. It’s bit thick yet turns crispy when cooked in generous butter. Moreover, the unique coconut chutney and potato masala that pair the dosa are damn good. The recipe of coconut chutney stands out as it includes cardamom and cloves. With simple ingredients the chutney takes the benne dose to next level.
The recipe of potato masala too is quite distinct because it has no color agent. Meaning no turmeric powder. Seems interesting isn’t it? Only the basic spices and the plain color of potato make the masala very much authentic. If you haven’t prepared in your home, please give a try and eat in leisure. You would surely ENJOY.
Watch the video:
Benne Dosa | Benne Dose | Davanagere Benne Dosa
- Dosa rice- 3 cups
- White lentis split blackgram lentils- 3/4 cup
- Fenugreek seeds - 1.5 tsp
- Rice flakes - 3/4 cup
- Rice powder- 1 tbsp
- Salt- 2.5 tsp
- Sugar- 1 tsp
- Butter - 1/4 cup
For chutney
- Coconut- 3/4 cup
- Green chillies- 2 nos.
- Salt- 1/2 tsp
- Cardamom- 1 no.
- Cloves - 1 no.
For potato masala
- Cooked potato - 3 nos.
- Onion - 1 no. sliced
- Green chilles - 2no.
- Salt- 1 tsp
To temper
- Cooking oil - 2 tsp
- Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
- Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
- Curry leaves - Few
- Rinse white lentils and fenugreek seeds together, add enough water and soak for 3 hours. Similarly rinse dosa rice with enough water and soak it with fresh water for about 3 hours.
- Rinse and soak rice flakes for about 10 minutes before grinding. Next take drained lentils in a mixer and grind finely adding water as needed.
- Transfer the lentil batter to a wide bowl. Next take soaked dosa rice in the mixer and grind it finely as well.
- Transfer the rice batter to same bowl. Finely add soaked rice flakes and grind it to fine batter. Transfer this also the bowl. Mix everything well.
- Let this batter ferment for about 8 to 10 hours at warm place. After fermentation the batter would have raised. Add salt and rice powder to it. Mix well and the batter is ready.
- To make chutney, take all the ingredients under "For chutney" list and grind coarsely. Chutney for benne dosa is ready.
- Next heat a pan adding oil, mustard and cumin seeds. As they splutter add curry leaves and sliced onion. Saute till onion turn translucent. Then include green chillies, mashed potato and salt. Mix them well.
- Next heat tawa and smear some oil over it. Sprinkle some water and wipe it off. Pour a ladle full of batter at the center and spread like dosa. After 10 seconds, apply butter generously all over the dosa and let it cook.
- When it cooks to slightly brown, loosen the edge and remove from tawa. Turn the dosa and cook for 2 seconds. Remove and serve hot with chutney and masala.
- Repeat the process with rest of the batter. Benne dosa Yum!
- Grind all the soaked ingredients very finely. The batter should be very smooth with flowing consistency.
- Good hours of fermentation is very important for benne dosa. In warm places, 8 hours of fermentation is enough but cooler places need more time.
- Adding rice powder to fermented batter helps the dosa to be crispy. Sugar helps the dosa to get nice bright color.
- The chutney and potato masala recipe given here is genuinely for benne dosa. Pairs very well with it.

Dosa rice means ?
It’s idli rice which bit unpolished than regular rice.