Many times, life is very unpredictable and unsure that things we plan wouldn’t happen as programmed. It’s so uncertain and doubtful that things go beyond our control, we simply find ourselves as spectators of those moments. This is how my thought process goes on considering my blog activities this week. Couple of days ago my blog wasn’t accessible at all due to too much resource consumption at the server causing the site to throttle. Eventually I could get it fixed with frequent consultation with support team. But the process had taken all most 72 hours of blog worth time. It means no blog food cooking, no clicking and zero posting. Which is why I have slowed down a bit. Today I have come up with menthe hittu recipe which comes very handy during some uncertainties.
Like, say you run out of time and haven’t done the cooking part, this menthe hittu can become instant rice side dish. Few teaspoons of this powder, lemon juice and a dollop of ghee can become substitute of good accompaniment of rice. It’s truly a wonderful spice powder that can take place of side dish. A jar full of menthe hittu stocked in your kitchen can rescue you whenever you are sick and zero strength left in you to cook a wholesome meal for the family.
Menthe hittu literally means fenugreek flour. But it is actually made up of protein rich lentils and very few spices. In fact fenugreek seeds are included in tiny amount. This spice powder can be given the badge of “Healthy” as it has zero “unhealthy” ingredients in it.
Henceforth, I would love to have this powder stocked so that I can handle the petty uncertainties of life. How about you my dear friends? Head on to the kitchen right now. Will you?
Menthe Hittu | Fenugreek Spice Mix Recipe
- Split chickpea lentils- 1/4 cup
- Pigeon pea lentils- 1/4 cup
- Split green gram lentils- 1/4 cup
- Split blackgram lentils- 1/8 cup
- Coriander seeds- 1.5 to 2 tsp
- Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
- Fenugreek seeds- 1/2 tsp
- Red chillies- 4 nos.
- Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
- Salt- 1 tsp
- Asafoetida- 1/4 tsp
- Curry leaves- Few
- Roast the pigeon pea lentils and green gram lentils separately one after the other. In medium flame the lentils turn slightly brown within few minutes, transfer them on a plate.
- Continue roasting the other two lentils in a similar way. Next it is the spices like coriander, fenugreek and cumin seeds to get roasted.
- And finally the red chillies and curry leaves take the turn. Let the all roasted ingredients to cool down.
- Take them in a blender along with turmeric powder, salt and asafoetida. Finely powder them together.
- Very delicious menthe hittu is ready to serve with steamed rice and dollop of ghee.
- The roasting should be carried out in medium flame and take care not to burn any which may ruin the taste.
- You can increase the spicy-ness using some more red chillies or few black pepper corns.

recipe seems good. I would like to try. Is that a typo with fenugreek seeds mentined twice in different amounts in the ingredients?
Thank you Sita Srinivasan for bringing the typo to my notice. I have corrected it.
Thank you. Will try it soon.