Hello my dear web friends, good to be back with you posting, mailing and replying to your comments in REAL TIME. I am back in action, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and happy. Couple of days ago I returned from my long vacation trip to India. Though I could take my work wherever I go, this year I decided to be completely disconnected from blog work during vacation. I checked in emails few times, logged in to Facebook once or twice and then just spent time with my dear parents. It was such a lovely time eating healthy and deliciously delicious food which my mom cooked and served with passion. I disconnected myself not only from blogging but also from cooking 🙂 .
It’s not justice to my food blog If I don’t get some awesome food from my mother’s recipe collection. So just like the way I relished her conventional and traditional food, I have carried those traditional ingredients with me to share the recipe with you people. One such simple and straightforward recipe is “Kayirasa” or “Gojju” made from colocasia stem.
Colocasia leaves and the food made from that are popular in Udupi during Monsoon when the fresh leaves arise in abundance. I was quite lucky to taste most genuine recipes this time like this colocasia stem kayirasa. The juicy stem of these greens soak up all the prominent tastes and become absolutely palatable. Such a fresh, vibrant monsoon food feeling has been carried from remote village of India to hot sand-world of UAE. So AWESOME. Jump in to awesomeness right now.
You can also check colocasia leaves patrode.
Colocasia Stem Kayirasa | Kesuvina Kandada Gojju
- Colocasia stem - 10 to 15 Chopped pieces 1.5 cups
- Tamarind- Small lemon sized
- Powdered jaggery- 1/8 cup
- Salt- 3/4 tsp
- Rasam powder- 1 tsp
Seasoning ingredients
- Cooking oil- 2 tsp
- Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
- Split black gram lentils- 1/2 tsp
- Curry leaves- Few
- The colocasia leaves with stem look like this. This is the picture taken at my mother's place in India.
- Wash the stems under running water and peel the skin off. Chop them in to medium sized pieces.
- Soak tamarind in 1/2 cup of water for about 15 minutes. Heat a pan adding all the seasoning ingredients in the order mentioned. As the mustard seeds sizzle, include chopped stem.
- Saute the stem for about a minute, then add tamarind extracted juice. Discard the residue of tamarind. Add salt, jaggery and rasam powder. Let it boil for few minutes. Switch it off.
- Mouth sizzling tasty colocasia stem kayirasa is ready to serve with steamed rice.
- Choose the colocasia which has no itching characteristic. Some tend to itch the throat and tongue.
- The stem takes very less time to cook, so do not saute for longer.
- If overcooked, the stem doesn't taste good, so let it be crunchy.
- Balance sweet and sourness for the perfect tasting kayirasa.