Maida murukku – This stuff is YUMMY. YUMMY and YUMMY.
I have some truth to tell you today : When I made these crunchy murukku in the month of JUNE, solely for posting it as a Janmashtami special recipe, it rocked my world. Like, it got emptied just in a week’s time as a snack before, after and even with lunch. Murukku is such an addictive and fancy snack at my home that every one has appetite to devour them at any point of time.
Maida murukku is a sort of short cut method to traditional one which has mainly rice flour and lentil flour in it. All purpose flour has replaced both rice and lentils here. But before incorporating maida, there are some steps to make the flour usable in this recipe. Basically maida flour is high in gluten which needs to be reduced to minimum to make it suitable for murukku.
Steaming the maida flour in a pressure cooker or steamer helps it to lose it’s gluten and that is the first step in making murukku. Plain, white colored cotton cloth is used to tie the flour in, which is then steamed up for about 15 minutes. When you untie the cloth, you would be amazed to see the flour turning rock hard losing all it’s starch. Once the flour is ready like this, making murukku is a cakewalk.
It’s my princess in below picture who posed holding the maida chakkuli in her hands and helped me finish up the photo shoot. Thank you dear.
Maida murukku is a recipe for those who consider themselves as last minute experts or for those who find short of time in getting all the festival sweets and snacks ready. Maida murukku needs less time, less preparation yet very delicious like it’s counterpart. So all SUPER women out there, get the crispy snacks ready for naivedyam in NO TIME.
Maida Murukku | Maida Chakkuli Recipe
- Maida All purpose flour- 1.5 cup
- Salt- 1.5 tsp
- Roasted sesame seeds- 3 tsp
- Cooking oil- Enough to deep fry
- Sieve the flour using a fine sieve over a white cotton cloth. You have to tie the flour using the same cloth like a lump and keep it inside a container or box.
- Next steam cook the flour in a pressure cooker or steamer for about 15 minutes. When you untie the steam cooked flour, it would have turned hard like a rock. Let it cool for few minutes.
- Break the flour using fingers, sieve it once again and collect it in a wide bowl. Add sesame seeds and salt to this.
- Adding water in steps, make pliable dough from the flour. After steam cooking, the maida would have lost it's gluten, so the dough won't stick to your fingers. Divide it into equal portions and fill 3/4 of the murukku press with the dough.
- Next press the murukku over a piece of square paper in a pattern shown below. Heat oil in a wok and as it gets heated up, slowly slide the murukku from paper in to oil. In medium flame deep fry the murukku, cook both sides and remove when they turn golden brown. Drain them over kitchen tissue.
- Repeat the process with rest of the dough. Easy and instant maida murukku is ready to offer to Lord Krishna on his birthday. Store them in airtight container and enjoy for weeks.
- You can use Idli steamer or pressure cooker to steam cook the flour. I used pressure cooker and steamed for about 15 minutes without keeping the whistle.
- If you are making in large quantity, you have to extend steam cooking for few more minutes.
- Do not try to break the flour immediately after steam cooking and let it cool down for 5 minutes.
- I usually press the murukku over a square paper, so that I can easily slide them in to oil without altering the shape of chakli.
- You can use either black or white sesame seeds. But roast them before use.
- To check oil, drop a pinch of dough and see if it raises to the surface immediately. If so, the oil is rightly heated and you can start deep frying.
- Always keep the flame medium low when you are deep frying.

Hi Sumana. I am an avid follower of your blog. Kudos to your enthusiasm and expertise. These days, when I buy a vegetable, I refer to your blog to see if my recipe can be improved by what you do with it:)
I make these maids murukku too. I just microwave the maida to make it lose its stickiness. Thought I would share.
Lalitha, thanks for your kind words. I am more than happy to find the site helping many foodies out there. Microwave idea seems good.