It was july first week and Wednesday, with no blog post in mind, I made this sweet pumpkin chutney as rice side dish and fell in so love with it that the food blogger within couldn’t help but be brought to life. That very minute I started snapping this awesome food, but oh my gosh… Sun had long gone beside the roof of my neighbour.
So the next day, Thursday which was the day before to start my vacation trip I made a quick visit to vegetable shop only to buy this sweet pumpkin. With Sun still being ON shedding his bright light through my window, I could actually prepare this sweet pumpkin chutney and photograph it. Feel so good as it happened amidst my trip-packing chores.
Bowl of white rice coated with red pumpkin chutney has been licked clean by my family and not to mention it was a big hit. Also leftover chutney in the fridge had accompanied dosa, our most staple breakfast. So totally pumpkin chutney rocked as a dip and accompaniment.
My mind has already committed making this delicious sweet pumpkin chuntey everytime I stock this pretty looking pumpkin in the fridge. How about you??
Sweet Pumpkin Chutney Recipe
- Sweet pumpkin small sized- Half
- Tamarind- Marble sized
- Grated coconut- Half cup
- Salt- 1 tsp
- Red chillies Byadagi- 2 to 3 nos.
- Coriander leaves- Handful
- Split black gram lentil- 2 tsp
- Cooking oil- 1 tsp
- Peel off the pumpkin using sharp knife and scoop out all the seeds. Chop the rind in to medium sized chunks.
- Heat a cooking pan or wok with a tea spoon of oil, red chillies and split black gram lentils. Roast them together on medium heat till the lentils turn little brown and transfer the roasted ingredients to a plate.
- Put the chopped pumpkin pieces and tamarind to the same cooking pan and cook them till soft adding a cup of water. Once done let them cool down.
- In a mixer jar add roasted ingredients from step1, cooked pumpkin pieces, grated coconut, salt and coriander leaves. Grind them together to a coarse paste and transfet the chutney to a serving bowl.
- Sweet pumbkin chutney is delcious with dosa, idli and steamed rice.
- Adding coriander leaves to the chutney gives unique flavor. Do not skip it.
- If spiciness of red chillies is not enough, then you can add green chillies too as per your preference.
- Tamarind gets soft and eases grinding when you add it to cooking pumpkin pieces.

Do not throw the soft coral part(TiruLu) along with seeds.We prepare chutney out of this and also sweet pumpkin flower petals same way as you narrated.
Sounds interesting ramya. I haven’t used it’s TiruLu till now.
Don’t through skin of the Pumpkin as well. I prepare chtny from pumpkin and bottlegourd (dudhi)skin. Just chop it in to small pieces roast it( or you can call cook it) with minimum oil so that it is not burnt. After few minutes add some salt cook it for some more time so that it is reasonably soft. Keep it aside. Roast all dry masala items and any other spices coconut etc. for chatny and grind it in mixer.
Thank you Gurucharan. Will try.