Each region in India has their own customs and conceptions about taking care of a nursing mother and her food. Nursing mother deserves special attention to rebuild her strength after giving birth. In Udupi too we have many customs as for as new mom’s food and rest is concerned. First 10 days after delivery are considered very crucial for the nursing mother’s health. Very limited and easy digestible food is given during these days. 11th day onwards the diet includes yoghurt, few vegetables and plenty of milk. Black pepper rasam is given specifically to nursing mother 11th day onwards(after delivery). It is popularly known as “Bananthi saru”. Today I am posting pepper rasam recipe here. It can also be taken by everyone during winter season or during sickness like cold and cough.

Nursing mother foods- Black Pepper rasam recipe
- Black pepper- 1 teaspoon
- Cumin seeds- 1 teaspoon
- Tamarind- Big lemon size
- Jaggery- Big lemon size
- Ginger- 2 to 3" piece
- Salt- 1 to 1.5 teaspoon
Seasoning ingredients
- Ghee- 2 tbsp
- Garlic pods- 10 to 15 no.
- Curry leaves- Few
- Powder black pepper and cumin seeds finely. Chop the garlic pods finely and keep it aside.
- Soak tamarind in warm water for 15 mins. Extract it's juice and discard the pulp.
- Heat a vessel adding tamarind extract and ginger. Let it boil.
- Add 2 to 3 cups of water, salt, jaggery and pepper-cumin seeds powder one by one. Let it boil. Then switch off.
- In a seasoning pan add ghee, chopped garlic pods and curry leaves. When the garlic pods turn in brown color add it to the pepper rasam.
- Serve black pepper rasam with hot steam rice topped with ghee. It is awesome with tangy-sweet-spicy taste.
- You can powder pepper and cumin seeds in bulk and store in airtight container.
- Garlic should be used generously which is very good for nursing mothers.
- Tanginess and sweetness highlight the taste of this rasam. They should be used accordingly.
Meet you all with one more interesting Udupi recipe. Till then bye.

Veryo yo nice my daughter liked it very much Thank you