I am still hanging on to this festive season deliciousness with one more most authentic Nagarapanchami recipe which has amazing turmeric leaves fragrance and luscious. I want to make a point here saying it has most basic ingredients plus a uniquely fragrant turmeric leaf. The leaf of TURMERIC which is abundant in this monsoon season enhances the taste of this incredible dessert with it’s flavor and aroma.
It is actually a rice dumpling with the filling of coconut-jaggery mixture wrapped in turmeric leaf and steam cooked to the perfection. The most common name for this sweet is “Eradye” in Udupi region but I would be calling it as TURMERIC LEAF DUMPLING. It’s Y-U-M and super delicious.
Turmeric leaves dumpling has raw rice, jaggery and coconut and they are most common ingredients in many authentic Udupi desserts. Rice soaked in water for 3 to 4 hours is ground with coconut to very fine puree which is then stirred in low flame to slightly thick dough. On a clean wiped turmeric leaf, a portion of dough is applied to medium thickness which then gets a layer of sweet jaggery-coconut mixture. Folding this leaf and steam cooking to perfection derives you with flavorful, aromatic turmeric leaves dumpling.
Discarding the turmeric leaf, break a small piece of turmeric leaves dumpling and dip in ghee and devour your tummy full.
Turmeric Leaves Dumpling | Eradye Recipe
- Raw rice- 1 cup
- Jaggery- 1 cup
- Fresh grated coconut- 1 cup
- Cardamoms- Few
- Turmeric leaves- 8 to 10
- Salt- pinch
- Soak rice for about 2 to 3 hours (or overnight).
- Wipe the turmeric leaves using a damp cloth and let it dry. Keep them aside till use.
- Rinse the soaked rice with enough water and drain it completely. Add it to the mixer grinder along with 1/4 cup coconut, water and grind it to make fine batter.
- Meanwhie add jaggery and 1/4 cup of water to a wok and cook it in medium flame. When the jaggery gets dissolved and thickens a bit (Note: no need of checking consistency) include rest of the grated coconut.
- Saute the mixture a while including the cardamom powder. This coconut jaggery mixture should not be of running consistency. You should be able to apply the it over as a layer.
- Now heat another wok adding rice-coconut paste from step 1 and saute in medium flame. Add salt at this stage. As you stir the mixture it gets in to dumpling form which may take around 5 minutes. Switch off the flame.
- Next keep a turmeric leaf on counter top and take a lump of rice dumpling and apply it on leaf as a medium thick layer.
- Next take a big tea spoonful of jaggery-coconut mixture and apply it as second layer. Fold the leaf vertically in to half. Continue doing this on all the leaves.
- Stalk such ready turmeric leaf dumpling in a idli cooker and steam cook for 15 minutes. Check for done-ness.
- Lusciously delicious turmeric dumpling is ready to relish as dessert.
- While grinding the rice to batter, you can increase the coconut quantity which will soften the dumpling a bit more.
- Rice dumpling should be applied as medium thick layer on turmeric leaf.
- Do not let the jaggery-coconut mixture to become too thick or too thin. In either case you cannot apply it over as layer.
- Pierce a knife in to dumpling to check for its done-ness.