In my opinion, this home made white sesame seeds juice wins the most favorite badge out of all good summer drinks over there because it so refreshing, rejuvenating and nutritious. Most surprising thing is that this drink is not fruit based. Today sitting on a couch with this overwhelmingly yum sesame juice in hand, I cooled myself down and re-energized to continue with cooking.
The word milkshake is a better match to this drink than juice, because MILK is the primary diluting liquid used here. But you can surely substitute it with water without compromising on taste. Or else you can go searching other vegan based milk like almond milk or soya milk to substitute.
My little son was distracting me when I was shooting this awesome beverage, like he was eager to drink the chilled milkshake and was losing patience as my photography session dragged for a long hour. Fast forward he being a juice lover enjoyed this pure milky white sesame juice with me on couch. 🙂 .
The nutty flavor wafts out as you blend the soaked white sesame seeds with jaggery, fresh coconut and cardamoms which is when your cravings for beverage raise to the next level. Diluting this puree with chilled milk retaining all the chunky sesame seeds would be a food magic in true sense. If you are a kind of person who doesn’t like to bite into chunks while drinking a beverage then you can always strain it too. Either way white sesame juice wins your heart.
White Sesame Seeds Juice | MilkShake |Ellu Juice
- White sesame seeds- 1/4 cup
- Powdered jaggery- Little less than 1/4 cup
- Grated coconut- 1/4 cup
- Chilled milk- 1 cup
- Cardamoms- 3 nos.
- Soak the sesame seeds in some water for about 1 to 2 hours.
- In a blender include soaked sesame seeds, grated coconut, jaggery and de-seeded cardamoms. Then grind together to fine paste adding milk for ease of grinding.Transfer this ground paste in to a wide bowl and dilute it with rest of the milk.
- Serve this chilled white sesame juice on hot summer days. It's refreshing and rejuvenating drink to enjoy during summer.
- If you don't like biting in to chunks of sesame seeds while drinking, then you can strain it too.
- You can substitute milk by almond milk or only water if you are a VEGAN.
- Jaggery can be adjusted as per your taste buds.
- It tastes awesome when chilled.