Potato, a all season tuber has plenty of use in Indian kitchen. Potato is used in curry, stirfry, bajji, binding agent, stuffing agent and also in sweets. Potato is so versatile tuber isn’t it? It comes very handy when you are running out of vegetables or you need side dish in a jiffy. Potato raita/aloo raita is one of most favorite side dish for rice in my family. I can have full course of meal with just this raita. It is so tasty…Let us see the recipe now.

Potato Recipe-Aloo Raita-Potato ale bajji
- Medium sized potatoes- 2 no.
- Green chillies- 2 nos.
- Ginger- 2" piece
- Whisked curds- 1 to 1.5 bowl
- Salt- 1 teaspoon
- Asafoetida- Chickpea size
Seasoning ingredients
- Cooking oil- 1 teaspoon
- Mustard seeds- 1/2 teaspoon
- Split black gram- 1/2 teaspoon
- Red chillies- 2 no.s
- Curry leaves- few
- Pressure cook potatoes and keep them aside.
- Chop green chillies and ginger finely.
- Peel the cooked potatoes and mash it well. Add whisked curd in to a bowl. Now add mashed potato to whisked curds and mix it well.
- Heat a seasoning pan adding all the ingredients in the "seasoning ingredients" list one ofter the other, once the mustard seeds splutter, add chopped green chillies and ginger. Stir for while and switch off. Add salt and seasoning to potato-curds mix of step 1.
- Add dissolved asafoetida and mix well. Add whisked curds or buttermilk as per the consistency desired. I like little thicker version of potato raita.
- Aloo raita is ready....Serve it with steamed rice as side dish.
- Potatoes should be cooked till mushy, so that it can easily blend with whisked curds.
- Don't skip asafoetida, that gives nice aroma to raita.